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Wayumi - Feature documentary 

Wayumi is a feature documentary that offers a lens into a genuinely unique intercultural family's trials, complications, and joys.

David Good, son of an American anthropologist and indigenous Amazonian woman, braves crisis-stricken Venezuela, the harsh Amazon rainforest, and bureaucratic red tape to reunite his family for the first time in nearly thirty years.

Through David and his mother, Yarima's journey, Wayumi follows the human experience in two radically different worlds and asks whether the innate bond between a mother and her children can bridge the cultural gap between them.

To learn more, click here.

Angels of Mercy - Feature narrative

Angels of Mercy is a home-invasion thriller with a unique twist. Originally described as Home Alone on acid, Angels of Mercy pits a hacker with the condition Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), against a eugenics cult hell-bent eradicating the world of anyone they do not consider able-bodied. 


One of the only films whose star has SMA, Angels of Mercy will create an action hero from an under-represented community. 

Angels of Mercy is currently on the tail-end of post-production and anticipates distribution in 2024.

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